Are looking for a more durable and longer-lasting filling option?


Ph: 216-464-3200

Why Choose Inlays and Onlays?

Inlays and Onlays offer a multitude of advantages over traditional fillings. Experience heightened durability, a seamlessly natural appearance, and a minimally invasive approach. If you're dealing with extensive cavities or weakened teeth, Inlays and Onlays can be your optimal choice.

The Unmatched Benefits

Enhanced Durability. Crafted from robust porcelain material, Inlays and Onlays withstand the forces of biting and chewing, ensuring years of reliability.

Subtle Aesthetics.Achieve a seamless blend with your natural teeth, thanks to the lifelike appearance of Porcelain Inlays and Onlays.

Preservation of Tooth Structure. Embrace a less invasive treatment that retains more healthy tooth structure, safeguarding against further damage and decay.

The Placement Process

The journey to revitalized teeth typically involves two visits. In the initial appointment, decay and old fillings are removed, impressions are taken, and custom Inlays or Onlays are created. During the subsequent visit, the custom restoration is affixed using a special adhesive, ensuring a snug fit and natural contours.

Why Entrust Us with Your Inlays and Onlays?

Our dental practice stands as your trusted partner in delivering exceptional dental care within a warm, inviting atmosphere. With a seasoned dental team that understands your unique needs, we combine expertise and advanced technology to ensure optimal oral health and a stunning smile you can proudly display.

Contact Us for Inlays and Onlays in the Cleveland Area

If you're seeking a dentist near you in the Cleveland area offering top-tier Inlays and Onlays, take the first step towards a consultation. Unveil a healthier, more beautiful smile that reflects your utmost confidence.

Reach Out Today

Call 216-464-3200 to schedule your consultation and embark on the path to a revitalized smile.

Book Your Appointment Now!

Caring for Your Inlays and Onlays Longevity and Brilliance

Your investment in Inlays and Onlays can last for years with proper care. Maintain their brilliance by adhering to these essential practices

  • Brush your teeth twice daily.

  • Floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup.

  • Visit your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings.

  • Protect your restoration by avoiding biting hard objects.

  • If teeth grinding is an issue, inquire about a night guard to safeguard your dental work and teeth.

Experience Unmatched Dental Resilience and Beauty

Elevate your dental experience and embrace a smile that exudes vitality and strength. Your journey to lasting dental wellness begins with Inlays and Onlays. Discover the enduring charm of a restored smile that empowers you to face each day with unwavering confidence.

Call 216-464-3200 to embark on your journey toward lasting dental health and beauty.

Restoring Smiles with Dental Inlays and Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are versatile restorative treatments that effectively repair damaged or decayed teeth, striking a balance between conservative care and lasting results. These custom-crafted restorations are tailored to fit within or cover the chewing surfaces of your teeth, providing enhanced strength and durability while preserving as much natural tooth structure as possible.

At Elite Dentistry Center, we specialize in creating dental inlays and onlays that seamlessly blend with your smile. Our skilled professionals meticulously design and place these restorations, ensuring a snug fit and optimal functionality. Whether it's repairing a fractured tooth or addressing moderate decay, dental inlays and onlays offer a reliable solution that rejuvenates your smile's health and aesthetics. Experience the precision and artistry of dental inlays and onlays at Elite Dentistry Center – where your smile's restoration is our top priority.

Book Your Appointment Now!